- 日程:9月6日(火)・9月7日(水)・9月8日(木)・9月9日(金)
- 会場:SPEAK FOR ANNEX(スピークフォーアネックス)東京都目黒区青葉台1-17-6 1F・B1F
- 参加ブランド数:アパレル・雑貨含め、約19ブランド
- ご来場社数(業態数):154業態(メンズ 90%、レディース 10%)
- 主催・運営:株式会社 Cresce(クレッセ) DEARGUEST事業部
- ご来場社数(業態) 154業態(店舗)
- CHET [ men’s / grooming /JAPAN ]
- FILL THE BILL [ men's / wear / JAPAN ]
- JOHN MASON SMITH [ men’s / wear / JAPAN ]
- JOSWICK [ men’s・women's / wear / USA ]
- Juha [ men’s / wear / JAPAN ]
- KICS DOCUMENT. [ men’s・women’s / wear / JAPAN ]
- thescent [ no gender / toiletry / JAPAN ]
- THING FABRICS [ men’s・women’s / wear・goods / JAPAN ]
- WISLOM [ men’s・women’s / wear / JAPAN ]
- WRAPINKNOT [ men’s / wear / JAPAN ]
- Garden of eden [ men’s・women’s / accessories / JAPAN ]
- HINENINE NOTE [ no gender / stationery / JAPAN ]
- post amenities [ unisex / wear / JAPAN ]
- mythography [ men’s / shoes / JAPAN ]
- biro [ men’s / wear / SINGAPORE ]
- KEVIN SEAH [ men’s / wear / SINGAPORE ]
- VANDA FINE CLOTHING [ men’s / accessories / SINGAPORE ]
- COLONY CLOTHING [ men’s / wear / SINGAPORE ]
- SUPERMAMA [ unisex / gallery・souvenir / SINGAPORE ]